As I enter the third week of my new life in Vancouver I can't help but feel like I've been here a lot longer! I've been working full time at an amazing spa downtown with the best co workers and my social life here couldn't be better. The thing about vancouver is there is always something to do. Free or not, there is something for everyone!
Me and my new friends have been taking advantage of the free outdoor movies at Canada Place and Second Beach every week and I have had a few crazy nights out since I've been here too! Since moving to American Backpackers, I have a new addition to the group, Fran from Germany! She makes me laugh because she is a pastry chef at the convention centre here in the city and whenever she finishes a shift, she takes home treats for me. Knowing how much I love eggs, I regularly return home to find boiled eggs sat on my bed, bags of fresh baked goodies and even fresh berry panacotta. My life is complete... Although I may not be able to fit my clothes for much longer.
Through couchsurfing groups and mutual friends, I have met so many cool people and recently met a Romanian guy (Christian) who grew up 10 minutes away from me back in Ireland and is living only a few minutes walk away from me here in west end!
My love for Vancouver grows stronger everyday and my zest for life has expanded since meeting these inspiring souls from Canada and all over the world! Just this weekend we went to watch the celebration of lights down by the beach followed by drinks at my new local 'Score on Davie', further followed by a blurry evening at Numbers club! The evening was such a success that when returning to Score the next day for some Sunday Caesars (Canadian version of a Bloody Mary and also a very acquired taste), the bouncers and staff shouted 'Jadeeeeee', to which everyone laughed! No doubt I'll be at this place more often since I'll be moving only a few streets away from it!
On that note, it's only a couple of weeks until I move into my new place and only one working week until I get a paid week off! Todd and I drove out of town to Squamish on Sunday for a nature walk and some craft beer. It was my first time out of town since I arrived and it was awesome! The scenery never ceases to amaze me here!
Life in Van is going very smoothly and I've even got my first pay cheque- that makes everything real right :) Summer days keep on rolling by and I feel complete. Peace out x