This morning I had some peppermint tea and made s move smoothie with blueberries, melon, ginger etc which was delicious. I drank a good sized glass to get some energy pre yoga class. I was due to teach at Robson St Yoga today and I was worried I wouldn't have the strength but I did. The class went very well.
Later on I headed off on my bike (more exercise I guess) to Kitsilano where I had a meeting. I then decided to bike to Granville Island Public Market which I hadn't been to since last time I was in Canada. It was probably the biggest test of willpower ever considering I was surrounded but smells of freshly baked bread, freshly brewed beer, fresh produce and much much more EVERYWHERE. I did a quick circle and opted to leave before I gave in. Which I was sure I wouldn't, but still. I biked back home and made s delicious fresh ginger, carrot and apple juice before meeting my friend Luke for some thrift shopping.
Later that evening we watched a movie at mine and with the his eating candy and chocolate and me drinking green tea, it was anther sure sign that my willpower was growing strong and hanging in there. It's funny, they say that while detoxing you will most likely crave healthy foods which I actually agree with. Yes the smell of fresh pizza and baked goods are hard to resist but that's as far as it goes for me. Tomorrow I plan to go grocery shopping (after a hefty smoothie in my belly lol) and stock up on healthy whole foods, which I am in charge craving. It's even more hilarious to think that I reached for a jumbo carrot and some hummus from my fridge the other day convincing myself it was okay, when all of a sudden I put it down deciding that I was breaking the rules. It's a carrot for god sakes, you'd swear it was a box of donuts. Anyway it's funny how your mind works and I've noticed a lot of things about myself and my attitude to food over the past week.
I think it's pointless to go on s 7 day detox just to re-tox with unhealthy food. I am going to slowly introduce wholewheat baked bread, eggs, avocados, fresh oily fish etc back into my diet. And even though I'm most of the time vegetarian (like I have to justify it anyway right?), I had been given fresh salmon fillets from my friend Kim which I'm super excited about. Salmon is amazing in your diet and when it comes to health, its mportant to listen to your body, and obviously being aware of the fish is fresh and caught sustainably. Anyway tmro is the last I'll day and I'm excited and proud of myself. I'm going to go grocery shopping to prepare for the Thursday. 😀😀