It was just recently that I came across my dream bike on Craigslist and decided to purchase it to make life easier and more fun. It would also be pretty handy to get to and from work once I move (2 weeks and counting)! I purchased a blue cruiser which was perfect for city and beach biking but not so much or hilly terrain which was fine! The day I bought it, I looped around Vancouvers Sea wall via the epic bike trail and stopped at third beach for a day of sun baking and fun with friends! To top it off, I got a key for the Rogers building (where I work) to store my bike when I work during the day there!
It was just a fluke that I started my job just in time for a paid week off. My bosses use this week to go on vacation and take time out from work so I guess I joined at an ideal time! My plan for the week off is lots of beaches, lots of scenery, lots of yoga and lots of hiking! And of course hanging out with my beautiful friends here! Erin and I headed to Lower Symour Consevation park for a hike which Erin decided was at least 15kms. We hiked up and down and all around to the point of going off trail and eventually finding our way back on the trail. The woods were amazing and it was so nice to be out of tribe city in nature for a bit! The next plan is to do gruelling Grouse Grind, Lynn Canyon, Mt Seymour and maybe even get over to vancouver Island or up to whistler.
I have been taking advantage oft $40 unlimited yoga classes at Y Yoga here in the city and have been to a few power classes and some warm Yin classes! Power Yoga was something I tried, to get strong and feel good and peaceful at the same time and having been to two different teachers here in the city, I am In love with Power Yoga. I have also stated teaching a class of my own in Stanley Park on Sunday's which is great :) Anyway I will write a blog once my week of adventure is up and I'm sure I'll have lots to write about!