Below, I have listed some of my top tips for travelling on a budget!
- Do your research when it comes to booking flights. Look into flying into different airports on different dates etc and you could save a whole bunch of 'beer' money!
- Always look for the best deals on travel within a country, sometimes booking things yourself instead of with a company can save you lots of money.
- When eating out abroad, look for the best deals, generally it is cheaper to buy food and cook in the hostel kitchen with other backpackers but if you want to eat out check out competing restaurants for the best deals.
- One of the best tips I know is to 'pre drink' or 'pre game' as the Canadians would say, before going out. This can be a great way to socialize at the hostel before going out and saves you a tonne of expensive drinks at a bar.
- Always pack lunches etc when travelling on buses, planes etc as you tend to be ripped off on flights and in stop off stores along the way, so this way you can save money for other things.
- Budgeting can mean opting out of tours or trips you had wanted to do, but by doing your research through different companies this can sometimes help you save on a trip you once thought you couldn't afford.
- Opt for couch surfing occasionally as opposed to hostels as this can not only be a very cultural experience, It can help you make new friends and saves you money for other travel necessities.
- Purchase a VIP or Travel Savings card from any travel company before you go. Some hostel chains have their own too which saves you money when you book with them.
- Booking RTW flights with a company can be ridiculously expensive and can seem impossible to do but by putting in a little extra work, and booking it yourself before you leave, it will save you all the company charges. Be sure you know all the details before you book to save any extra fees for changing.
- Pack as much essentials as you can to save you having to buy things you wish you had brought. You can always send them home if you don't need them but its better than having to buy things you already have.
- Travelling in groups can save money and sometimes you can get a group rate on tours and hostels etc. Its worth a try.
- Travelling a s student can get you some great deals too so bring a student ID card just in case.
- Hostels generally do free meals some nights, or give coupons away for free meals in pubs etc so watch out for this and plan a cheap night with your new buddies.
- Staying in a hostel for a few nights? Do a shop in a local supermarket for your few days stay and you wont have to pay for meals out.
- Pack lunches for tours that haven't got food included as they will generally try to charge you a small fortune for things like sandwiches etc, you will be glad you did!
- An amazing way to see a city is to do a walking tour. The best thing is that they are free and obviously you get a lot of exercise out of it which is an added bonus. You pay a tip at the end if you liked the tour but that is it, and sometimes it is better than paying up front and hating the tour, It is more appreciated this way.
- Always use wifi in hostels, coffee shops, airports etc instead of using internet cafe, it is generally free and handy.
- Stuck for somewhere to stay? Like really stuck? Don't fret! An amazing website that is available called which reviews lots of airports, the best areas to sleep in and he amenities they have. Sounds crazy eh? Well some airports such as Singapore which has been voted No.1 for its 15th year, has some incredible facilites that would put some resorts to shame. Think spa, massages, jacuzzi, free movies to name but few. Don't diss it till you try it!
- Always haggle, haggle haggle, unless of course you are in a country where this is frowned upon, then just don't. A lot of local people love to haggle and have great respect for travellers willing to haggle to. Personally I love to haggle and have gotten some great deals out of it. Give it a try!
- Lastly, if you are in need of clothes or other essentials, shop at markets, thrift shops or discount stores where available as this can help save a tonne of money and you can get some really great vintage pieces. I have a few vintage denims from a thrift shop in Long Beach, California which I swear by. Go and check it out!