Annapurna- Day 18
Today we did feck all! Literally! It was a funny morning because we slept until about 9:30/10 and the atmosphere of the group blatantly said, nope there's going to be no 1700m ascent today. I kind of knew it, considering how much whiskey we drank the night before and how late we stayed up. There was no chance of us making it all the way up to Poonhill. One by one a few people left for the bus to Pokhara and wth Alex now joining our grow we all decided to spent the first day of the new year in the hot springs, chill out and then tomorrow we would leave for Beni/Pokhara by bus. This meant our trek was over. I was happy with that though considering I was out of relatively clean clothes and more importantly - money!
The morning was spent faffing around the lodge, eating breakfast, using wifi and chatting about plans! We then heard to our favourite local momo house for some variety of momos before we left for the hot springs! We spent a few hours wrinkly in the hot springs and then we headed back for some dinner! It was funny being the only girl with 3 guys now in the group because it always seemed to work or like that wherever id travel! No drama which was great!
I had a great idea to get some goodies in the shop and we would all watch a movie on Alex's IPad! And that we did! With the electricity going on and off, there we were crammed into our triple room watching 'I'm not here' the Bob Dylan movie which none of us understood! We munched on snacks and sat in the dark for a good 90 minutes trying to figure out the movie which we could barely hear anyway! It wasn't long before we have up and retreated to bed. I was knackered and I was looking forward to Pokhara tmro to do some laundry and finally be settled in some way again near civilisation. The next morning called for an early start at 7am to prepare for the bus at 8am to Beni where we would change buses to take us to Pokhara!