So the day has come when I say goodbye to my beloved Rosie aka my lovely pink car! It’s safe to say the money will come in a lot handier than the car especially with my plans to be away for such a long time! There seems no point in keeping her! I would rather someone else enjoy driving her! I hav also been looking into changing my flight to go as soon as next week! My travel mate Eliza will be arriving sooner than me and I thought why spend the extra days here, if I can change it then why not! It means I get to see more of India and it means Eliza won’t be waiting for me for too long! Who knows how it will pan out and I may have to wait until July 7th as planned bit for now I have my fingers crossed! Did I mention I passed the rest of my college exams! You could say that fits in with the title ‘the end of an era’ as of now I am finished in college forever! I won’t stay finished studying because we all know I have 6 weeks of that to go in India but I’m super excited about that! Yoga, come at me! So for now I’m saying goodbye an parting ways with things and routines that have been in my life for the past two years! But I am super excited to be slowly returning to my usual backpacker self, the one I am most happier being! If only I could be one forever! Who says I can’t? The world has been, will be and will always be my oyster so why give that up! It won’t be in the near future that’s for sure!
Bring on the new era of my life!
Bring on the new era of my life!