It was a few months ago when I decided to come back to Rishikesh and in particular to Rishikesh Yog Peeth to do my 300hr yoga teacher training. Well the time has come and I've been here 4 full days now. Due to my own lack of preparation, I experienced a delay starting the course because I was 'stuck' in Kathmandu applying for my Indian visa. Luckily the school understood, and two days after the course started, I arrived, very early in the morning, having sat in a taxi for 6hra through the night. I was exhausted. I was shown to my room in Shiva Resort which I was familiar with and had 90 minutes to sleep until breakfast time.
After my nap, I awoke, still so exhausted but excited to see Krisha Cottage again and meet my new yogi friends. And that I did! The food was delicious as ever in Krisha and my new course mates all seemed lovely! It's always weird returning somewhere and even weirder when things have changed, which they had. My old teachers were gone, I was staying in a different resort and even the kitchen staff who Id known, were different. It brings a sense of new experiences though and I'm kind of glad everything is so different because now the whole experience will be fresh. And the upside was that there was a lovely irish girl on my course, one of my own nation finally!
Over the next few days I had familiar philosophical classes with Roshan, ate a variety of yummy meals at Krishna cottage, taken part in Asana classes with our new teacher Krishna, taken walks around familiar areas and even reunited with some locals who id met last time. This is probably the only time in my life when I can say iv bonded with people through vomiting, sticking things up our noses and pouring water through our nasal cavity. It might sound weird but this is what we call Kriya, cleansing techniques which we learn as part of our course. One Kriya involved us putting a cathadar up our nose and fed it through to our throat where we then pulled it out and cleaned the nasal cavity. It was a very strange but rewarding experience. What's even weirder is that we had to follow that by drinking 6 glasses of warm salt water and then practice a controlled 'vomit' if you will. Friday morning was intense and if anyone could have seen us, we were all huddled in the grassy courtyard, vomiting, putting saline water in our noses and using feeding nasal cathadars down our throats. Don't worry we'r not all crazy because these practices are a great way for a yogi to cleanse his or her body. Thank god we didn't have to do the other intense ones which I won't even mention (Theyr advanced).
We were given an idea of what was gonna happen through the course and right now we have started teaching each other in small groups which is great. Myself and my partner are preparing for our class on Monday evening which will be exciting. Later on in the course we will also have to speak for 30mins on a topic nd also do some assignments. I have been hanging out with some awesome people from all over the world here from different yoga backgrounds and it has been great so I can only hope that the next 5 weeks can live up to these last few days.
We have Sunday off and as far as I have planned for today, I will go and see Prem Baba the famous Baba that is very rarely in Rishikesh but happens to be here now that in here and following this I will get a mani/pedi from my favourite beauty therapist in Laxman Jhula :) Happy Sunday peeps xx